okay.. finaly i finsh reading this comic and it was awesome!!!!!
it took me 2 days.. hahah....
wow... tiz is a very good (creative) way to understand d story in d bible...
nice la.... awesome story!!! (which is a real story that happens thousand years ago) :P
much much more better than any other story tat I read...
wel, actualy tiz its not mine, its belong to ma dear friend David.. hehe
he len me this book coz he knew tat im gona love it.. hahah... smart kid*
and tiz book is actualy d 2nd part.. there is another part 1 which i already read a few months ago... n the first part is awesome too... cool...
d 1st part is about.. Jesus born n lastly he died on the cross.. n went back to heaven.. which somhow touch me..
kahahahah!!! (seriously)
n d 2nd part is bout.. the story of wat hapen nex after he went back to heaven.. where all HIs disciple workin hard spreading the good news to the whole world... lotsa lotsa ting hapen on their journey... which is soo damn interestin to kno...
now ma sis ongoing reading it... hope she enjoy as much as i do... and felt touch as much as i do :P
this book called manga.. IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
but too bad u cant find it in Labuan.. I heard CENTREPOINT KK ther sell it...
good luck searching for it... hahah... but i just know its in d christian shop la...
tats the best information I can find... sorry.. I don even kno wat is the name of the shop...
okay... Im quite free now.. (not really) at lest free-er than b4.. hahah....
I got... hmmm
1. Oral test
2. Laporan stuff....
3. study.....
hahah... why the time past sooo fast... I don even relize ma bday comin soon...
dun feel like celebrating it... hmm.....
rite then... i'll blog soon... i tink..
byeeeee~~~ God Bless!! Peace!!
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